15 Weeks Pregnant


The child is growing fast — he or she is now about the size of an apple. The legs are growing longer and are more mobile. Fetus cartilage begins transforming into bone, a process called ossification. His or her ears are already laid out, and are located almost in the right place. Through a transparent and thin skin, fetal blood vessels can be seen. Body is covered with small hair and sebaceous glands are formed. Although his or her eyes are still closed, he or she perceives the light. Ultrasound examinations can find out if You are waiting for son or daughter. Baby digests swallowed amniotic fluid, and in the 14-16th week of pregnancy, meconium (earliest stool of an infant) begins to form.


The second trimester of pregnancy begins — that is considered as the best time of Your pregnancy. Your heart volume is increased. Therefore, you can feel your heart beating. Do not worry, this is normal. Nasal mucosa may be swollen due to increased estrogen, which is why you feel that your nose is up. Primiparous pregnancy usually becomes visible later. So do not worry, if Your pregnancy is not yet visible.


  • Talk to your baby.
  • Think about informing your employer of Your pregnancy.

Estrogens or oestrogens (from Greek οἶστρος (oistros), lit. “gadfly”) are a group of female sex hormones that are produced primarily by the ovaries. A woman’s body produces estrogen from two to ten times more than man’s. Estrogen lays the foundation for femininity and affects all organs and tissues. It causes the evolving of a feminine physique, behavior and character. Estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle, protects arteries against calcification and bone thinning and helps to maintain balance in blood. It also causes the thickening of the lining of the uterus after menstruation. During pregnancy, estrogen promotes the growth of breast and uterus and stimulates the beginning of the birth.