26 Weeks Pregnant


Baby’s eyes react to external light, when you’re standing near a strong source of light. Baby trains his or her muscles of respiration, breathing in and out amniotic fluid. The skin is still pretty wrinkly, but no longer transparent, because adipose tissue thickens under the skin. His or her finger- and toenails, eyebrows and eyelashes grow. Baby has more hair and his or her body looks rounder. Also, sebaceous and sweat glands start working.


Your blood pressure rises, although it may still be lower than before the pregnancy. Normally, blood pressure drops in the first trimester, and only after the 22-24th gestational weeks it starts to rise.

You may have problems with sleep. You can feel anxiety and fear of childbirth. Make sure you get plenty of fresh air. Sleep on your left or right side with a pillow between your legs for support. You may also experience constipation.


  • Avoid eating large quantities of grapes. You’d better go to the movies.
  • Use pillows both for lifting legs and for the abdominal support.
  • Take a nap as often as possible
  • Moderate exercise is recommended. Nordic walking, water aerobics for pregnant and pregnancy yoga classes are particularly good.