28 Weeks Pregnant


Baby weighs 1-1.5kg and is 30-35cm long. Sometimes the baby is hiccuping in the womb. Mother feels that as small, rhythmic movements for an extended period of time. Fetal hiccups serve as practice for reflex of sucking. He or she reacts to light with the blink of eyes. Baby’s skin is no longer transparent.

If labor would start today, the chances that baby survives in the intensive care facilities have increased significantly – a premature baby would survive almost in nine cases out of ten. He or she is able to breathe independently, and baby’s central nervous system is developed enough to control body temperature and respiration. Nevertheless, it is best if he or she can still stay in the womb for a number of weeks to grow peacefully, and be born exactly at the right time – when it is 40 weeks of gestation.


You’ve reached the third trimester of pregnancy, you may see an increase in colostrum leakage from breasts. The uterus is moving closer to your rib cage. Feeling the nausea is now gone, but the new discomfort may occur – heartburn and indigestion. Heartburn occurs when the stomach is too full. Drink plenty of water because body naturally processes waste products and helps flush them from the kidneys. Heartburn disappears after the baby is born. Increased vaginal discharge is normal at this stage of pregnancy. Its acidic environment protects you and your baby from infections. You may also feel dizzy. That is also normal. If you are still concerned, consult with your midwife or doctor.

Baby can communicate with you if you stroke your belly – fetal movements become intensive. If you feel, that the baby is moving very little, you might consult with a doctor. During the last few weeks of pregnancy fetal movements are restricted, however, because the baby has very little space, and it may well be already descended into the pelvis.

On 28-36th gestational weeks You should attend gynecologist at least once every four weeks. You will be questioned about disorders and mood nad nature of fetal movements, as well as weighed, evaluated weight gain and occurence of swelling, measured blood pressure, fundal height, and the fetal heart rate will be listened.

During 28-32nd gestational weeks blood test for HIV, hemoglobin levels and rhesus antibodies is repeated.

If necessary, you will be directed to repeated ultrasound (if suspected fetal growth lag or excessive growth, the amount of amniotic fluid too high or too low, or other indications, if any). Doing an ultrasound to estimate fetal weight, amount of amniotic fluid, placental location, fetal position are important part to assess fetal development.


  • Get a back and foot massage.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, such as milk. Eat small amounts frequently. Avoid excessively spicy foods.
  • Make a shopping list of things that you need for Your new baby. Do not leave the shopping on the last minute. Start early and buy some things every month – then you do not spend too much money at once.