5 Weeks Pregnant


He or she is 2.5 mm tall – approx. like a sesame seed in size and floats in a fluid-filled amniotic sac. The abdomen and chest start to develop, as well as the limbs. The embryo also has a small “tail”. Two brain lobes, cardiovascular and nervous system, spine are shaping. The heart begins to beat after about 20 days of life.


Your menstrual period does not start, the breasts may become more sensitive than usual, you want to go to the toilet more often, and you may be experience dietary change. During pregnancy, your daily menu might include the following:

  • Milk and dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese – possibly prefer products with moderate-fat, but avoid totally 0% fat products, as the fats help to acquire more protein.
  • Carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, whole grains, potatoes and groats
  • Low fat meat and fish, that contain plenty of essential fatty acids
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and dark green vegetables that contain folic acid

I would be very advisable for vegetarians and vegans to consult with nutritionists, because the food should be adequately balanced. Nutrient deficiency may also lead to preterm labor or other complications. You may need additional vitamins, such as B12 and vitamin D. It should also contain proper iron diet. Iron-rich foods include broccoli, spinach, almonds, Brazil nuts, legumes, whole grains, dried fruits.


  • Take a pregnancy test and if it is positive, then book an appointment with a pregnancy doctor. The first visit to a doctor is certainly important to be scheduled before 12 gestational weeks, because some analyzes and studies can only be performed at certain gestational weeks.
  • Beware of drugs! Usually harmless medicines can be harmful to Your child. Be sure to consult with your pharmacist.